Experience The Quest. Quest.ion The Experience.

On Purpose Community Event 2024 I 7.3.24 I 18.00 I Lohmühlenstr. 65


Bitte meldet euch an, damit wir abschätzen können, wie viele Leute kommen. Danke!

Hier gibts nur ne Anmeldung, mehr passiert nicht. Passwort brauchen wir leider trotzdem, sonst klappts nicht. 😉






Für alle, die es nicht abwarten können – lets play!

7.3.2024 – 18:00

Factory Görlitzer Park

Please be in time.

Invitation Only.

Come together and join the brave space of our Community to (re-)connect, be inspired, irritated and challenged into rethinking.

What the Quest?

The Quest is an immersive event for people who like to be challenged and inspired to rethink their beliefs, values and opinions in the context of work life and social impact. It experiments with co-creation and ‘growing by doing’ in an exploratory, interactive framework – starting within the ‘On Purpose’ community, possibly expanding one day. 5 levels will guide you through rethinking roles, responsibilities, qualifications and connections. Listen to different realities and connect through confusion, exchange about being resilient in a fast-paced environment and learn about innovations in nature and technology. Playfully reflect and question your inner and outer world and find joy in not knowing, disagreeing, coexisting and changing your mind.

Why? Because we believe it is more important than ever to create spaces where we feel safe enough to embrace our own uncertainty, exchange about the ‘in-between’ and learn from each other through listening. And in the meantime, let’s not forget to celebrate the here and now.

“Great minds don’t think alike. They challenge each other to think differently.”
Adam Grant